Stewardship > Habitat Restoration

Habitat Restoration

~ Native Plant, Habitat, & Wildlife RestorationRiparian Restoration Heritage Seedlings

In 2001 we hired professional botanist Lynda Boyer to facilitate restoration of riparian and prairie habitat on two farms. Since then the projects have grown to encompass more than 300 acres, including oak savannah and woodlands. These restoration projects are in partnership with a variety of State and Federal agencies as well as non-profit and volunteer groups. Early on, we recognized the widespread need for a reliable supply of source-identified native Willamette Valley seed and plants. Since 2001, we have propagated over 100 species of native wildflowers, grasses, sedges, and rushes. Under permit, we propagate threatened and endangered species and species of concern for reintroduction to our restoration sites and for sale to government agencies and non-profits.

Over 95% of the Willamette Valley is in private ownership. In our experience, a key to restore these habitats within the Valley is to forge partnerships with a variety of stake holders. Here are some important references to help guide landowners:

Oak Savannah Restoration Heritage SeedlingsPlanting for Pollinators (Boyer 2018)

Restoring Rare Native Habitats in the Willamette Valley (Campbell 2004)

The Willamette Valley Landowner's Guide to Creating Habitat for Birds (ODFW 2013)

A Landowner's Guide for Restoring and Managing Oregon While Oak Habitats (Vesely and Tucker 2004)

Declining and State Sensitive Bird Species Breeding in Willamette Valley Grasslands (ODFW 2009)

Wildlife Conservation in the Willamette Valley's Remnant Prairies and Oak Habitats (Vesely and Rosenbuerg 2010)

Conservation Summaries for Strategy Habitats: Grasslands (ODFW 2006)

Willamette Valley Habitat Resource List (MSWCD 2017)